Apologies for the baby-ized English, I'll probably change this on the final versions, except for the Cthulhu quote (that one I like).
"In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dweaming."
"Remember, that dawk world of fungoid gawdens an' windowwess cities isn't weawy terwible."
Deep One
"In that laiw of the Deep Ones we shaow dwell amidst wondewr an' glowry fowevewr."
Old One
"Radiates, vegetabews, monstwostities, staw-spawn-whateverw they had been, they werwe men!"
"Can you fancy a squatting of namewess dog-wike things in a chawchyawd teaching a smawl chiwd how to feed wike themsewves?"