Friday, May 31, 2013

Post Apocalypse Merit Badge

Done for an art challenge last week.  Finished it off the other day, I'm not 100% done with it, I think it could use a bit more refinement and maybe a little bit more detail... Either way, for now here it is:
Just remember everybody, duck and cover :)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

quick sketch

I've been a bit down in the dumps the last week or two and have not felt very artsy fartsy.  While I've got a project in the works, I don't have a piece ready to show off, a finished looking piece I mean. What I do have is a quick sketch I did while thinking about H.G.Wells. He has this great quote "man had thrust his brother out of the ease and sunshine. And now that brother was coming back changed!". I've always dug that one, anyways here is a quick sketch just to keep this blog moving :).

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Angel's Dad

A chum of mine asked yesterday if I would draw a picture of his friend's dad as a gift. It was kind of last minute and I was already working on a few things but figured it wouldn't be moving mountains to do a favor for a someone. Due to time constraints, I was only able to get down a very rough sketch done but I'm fairly pleased with the result. I've got some merit badges coming down the line this week but till I have them designed as well as I would like I won't post them here. Here's Angel's dad.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

E Pluribus Unum

****EDIT****So I didn't realize it was armed forces day and for the record this wasn't meant to be a comment on it, sorry if anyone took offense. Carry on.****END OF EDIT****

I've never really tried good old fashioned propaganda so I thought I'd give it a go. Overall I'm happy with the result although it might be a little much... I wanted to get the feel of something painted on an alley wall but I'm not sure it worked in the end. Either way I feel like to much more alteration will push it over the edge, so for now here's the result:
Looking at it now I think I might play with the levels a bit more, or at least pull the whites a bit more up, hmm well maybe pull the whites AND reds up. GAH, for now I'll leave it be. That is of course unless anyone has a suggestion or two?

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Holy Family Logo Fix

So many of you may or may not know I'm an atheist, but I was raised catholic. My mom's parish, Holy Family, had a logo that made my heart hurt. Here is that logo:
Now I'm not one to make presumptions about whether or not I should just force my designs on folks but I took some time and cleaned it up/remade it in a way that did in fact, not hurt my heart's design center.
After I sent these off to my Mum, she said her preference was the middle one on the bottom row. As you  might imagine I said, "Sounds good, I'll send you a higher res version." and totally did not continue designing... Nah. I sent her the one she wanted and this color version, because I likes me some blue and it felt a bit happier. She responded and asked for a maroon one, as that is the parish color. Now I could have just sent her a color version and said, "All set Mum, I'll call this weekend. Love you.". At this point you know I did not do that. in fact I wanted to fool around with the design a bit more. I finally ended up with a few options I liked. 

But my favorite was the last one:
You might ask, and rightly so, why did you stay so close to the original design? Well to be be honest, I wasn't sure how much leeway I had with it, and since I was doing this more just to fix the old design I didn't feel like I really had the right to completely redesign their logo. Welp, that's it kiddo's. Always remember, when a family member sends you an email, don't address the topic in the email, tell them their logo is sad and you're set on fixin' it.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Angry Jamie Kilstein Portrait

I had a bee in my bonnet the other day so I painted this up in photoshop. I found a reference online for Jamie Kilstein and used it to make an angry Jamie. He and Allison Kilkenny run the podcast Citizen Radio, a super-mecha-vegan lefty podcast. I don't always agree with them 100%, but I really appreciate what they do. If I had the cash, they are on the list of independent radio shows I want to be able to send some monetary support eventually. Till then I'll just keep makin with the pictures.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Orb Weaver Logo Redux

A while back I put together a logo for my wifes blog, Orb Weaver. I liked it at the time but the more i looked at it the more I felt like she deserved better. In service of this I put these together for her:
In the end she liked 6 the best, I agree but I do like the simplicity of 7 too. Thoughts?

Monday, May 13, 2013

Cats of Ulthar pages 9-10

This is the last update on the picture book for a little while, or at least until the next couple of pages are done. Looks like a busy month too so... WOooOOOoo.  Anyway, I am pretty please with the way these pages came out and can't wait to continue along with the rest. Till the next update!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Cats of Ulthar Pages 7-8

Got a few more pages yet. But I really feel like I've gotten a good handle on charcoal again at this point. The levels and shapes are much closer to what I meant to get on the page.


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Cats Of Ulthar Pages 4-6

Yep, more pages from the picture book. It's coming along rather nicely don't you think?

Friday, May 10, 2013

Cats of Ulthar Picture Book Pages 1-3

So this is an ongoing project I've had for a while now. I've been meaning to post them here periodically but there has been so much going this way and that.  I have been more focused on setting up a new portfolio site (again), and hitting the graphic design stuff hard again. But since my weekend will be an out-of towner I thought I would start posting these guys for funsies and to get them on the blog. This is an adaption of the short story "The Cats of Ulthar" by H.P. Lovecraft. It's a great little piece of writing and really draws one into its world. The whole book will be in charcoal and white pencil. Overall, I'm pretty happy how it's coming along but hoo boy, I want to just rush to finish it so I can do a print run. No go though, gotta take it steady and slow. Let me know whatcha think.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

LifeUI In Progress

Still working on the UI Project but got sidetracked by some fun graphic design projects I've been meaning to knock out for ages. This should give you a bit of a better idea of the kind of "Active" and "Inactive" look I am going for. Still not done for a bit yet.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Phoenix Jones

My wife and I super dig our city, Seattle. One of the many reasons for this affection is our local superhero movement, the Rain City Superhero Movement. No Shit. Anyway, I love makin stuff so I thought it would be fun to make a poster to encourage his crime fighting ways. I think I'll probably make some more of these using the colors/emblems of his other team members as well for fun.

Skull Art Test

So I had a Graphic Design Art test for a motorcyle/auto design company recently. It ate up a bit of my day yesterday so I thought I would post it. Overall I am pretty pleased with it and like the end result. (I went with a wolf skull)

First I did some quick rough sketches and a concept for the final design once I found an orientation I liked. 
In Illustrator I made a vector version of the design, and added a little more to make it more interesting, (drip from the eyes, nose and mouth).  Once I finished the main design based on the initial concept (the left at the top), I tooled around looking at different colors and gradients to see what worked best.
Overall I think with the vector designs the red gradient seemed to look the best.  I converted the file to a psd to see if some touch up in Photoshop would be worthwhile.
Once in Photoshop I applied a pavement texture from one of the free texture sites online and did some brushwork to add some detail. I think this could still use a bit of work but I'm happy where the design is. Too much more fiddling might be a bit much and I would hate to guild the lily, or skull I guess. Oftentimes with a design it's good to know where to stop before overdoing it.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Everyday HUD

Long have I wanted for something like google glass. I thought it would be fun to design an everyday HUD (heads up display), and got started a few weeks ago to designing assets. I've worked on other art stuff in the meantime but I kept coming back to it little by little. It's almost at a point where I can post a pic of how it would look in use but till then (likely sometime tomorrow) here's something to hold you over. I have a few icons and assets that I'll post tonight so you have an idea of where it's going:
From top to bottom: Music App, Web Browser App, Digital Library App

From top to bottom: Podcast App, Movie App, Maps App

These are items for a collapsible "contacts" ribbon, overall I like the design and the icons remain readable even at very small sizes.