Saturday, May 18, 2013

E Pluribus Unum

****EDIT****So I didn't realize it was armed forces day and for the record this wasn't meant to be a comment on it, sorry if anyone took offense. Carry on.****END OF EDIT****

I've never really tried good old fashioned propaganda so I thought I'd give it a go. Overall I'm happy with the result although it might be a little much... I wanted to get the feel of something painted on an alley wall but I'm not sure it worked in the end. Either way I feel like to much more alteration will push it over the edge, so for now here's the result:
Looking at it now I think I might play with the levels a bit more, or at least pull the whites a bit more up, hmm well maybe pull the whites AND reds up. GAH, for now I'll leave it be. That is of course unless anyone has a suggestion or two?

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