Thursday, May 16, 2013

Holy Family Logo Fix

So many of you may or may not know I'm an atheist, but I was raised catholic. My mom's parish, Holy Family, had a logo that made my heart hurt. Here is that logo:
Now I'm not one to make presumptions about whether or not I should just force my designs on folks but I took some time and cleaned it up/remade it in a way that did in fact, not hurt my heart's design center.
After I sent these off to my Mum, she said her preference was the middle one on the bottom row. As you  might imagine I said, "Sounds good, I'll send you a higher res version." and totally did not continue designing... Nah. I sent her the one she wanted and this color version, because I likes me some blue and it felt a bit happier. She responded and asked for a maroon one, as that is the parish color. Now I could have just sent her a color version and said, "All set Mum, I'll call this weekend. Love you.". At this point you know I did not do that. in fact I wanted to fool around with the design a bit more. I finally ended up with a few options I liked. 

But my favorite was the last one:
You might ask, and rightly so, why did you stay so close to the original design? Well to be be honest, I wasn't sure how much leeway I had with it, and since I was doing this more just to fix the old design I didn't feel like I really had the right to completely redesign their logo. Welp, that's it kiddo's. Always remember, when a family member sends you an email, don't address the topic in the email, tell them their logo is sad and you're set on fixin' it.

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